Ciekawe spływy afro i acid house'em, wszystko w średnim tempie i całkiem wciągające. Na labelu Prinsa Thomasa. Grane przez DJa Harveya, Axela Bomana, ale i Laurenta Garniera.
MLiR and Barcelona based Arnau Obiols' (this time under his Velmondo moniker), journey into the world of esoteric Leftfield sounds continues with their latest EP on disco hero Prins Thomas' "Internasjonal" imprint.
Joining an impressive label roster and built on a healthy foundation
of acid, space disco, Krautrock, and tribal house influences, the 4-tracker "Mad Honey" captures the guys pulling a live ethnic rhythmic section over quirky synthesizers and psychedelic sounds, resulting in a sure shot to satisfy even the most curious dancefloors.