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Do What You Wanna Do (Moplen Remixes)

Do What You Wanna Do (Moplen Remixes)
Nr kat.: HFM1247/TK24R
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
54.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Do What You Wanna Do (Moplen extended remix).mp3
  • b1 Do What You Wanna Do (Moplen Rollercoaster dub).mp3


Italy meets Miami via Holland - A truly international and classic feel all over this latest essential release from high Fashion music!
Disco powerhouse Moplen takes on this true-blue Disco classic from the legendary TK crates and turns in 2 brilliant and fresh reworkings of T-Connection's anthemic 'Do What You Wanna Do'. The A-side 'extended vocal mix' is a killer new version of this now cult record, as always Moplen's deft touch is felt in the tidy rearrangements and respectful tweaks, don't get it twisted though, this is prime-time dancefloor dynamite, it twists and turns in all the right places and still sounds huge. This new version and mix breathes some new life into this cut, a surefire inclusion in any DJ's bag for the next 30 years for sure. Don't forget, on the B-side, there's the mammoth 'Rollercoaster Dub', again Moplen steps up the heat on this version, it's exactly what you think it is, just under 9 minutes of dubbed-out T-Connection chaos, making this 12" a 'do not miss' release.



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