Coming offff the heals the enormously well received Cosmidelic Africa Vol 1 Vinyl Edition and the full-length CD, we are proud to present the second part of the 12” series. Difffferent from Part 1 where the record featured the unoffiffifficial edits side of Joaquin’s Journey. Part Two is all about Joaquin’s original compositions. The versions that are included on this twelve inch have been extended for DJS to play. The 12Inch also features a variety of difffferent genres of Dance and Head Music, such as the Cosmic Jazz Dance composition of “Come and Fly with Me” by the Brooklyn Soul and Heat Band, to the Avant Guarded inflfluenced “Mundo De Agua” by or Other Souls & Things, and but not least “Emarofo Tech” which is a dope Cosmic House-Jam just to mention a few. All in all, we put together another music Journey that one can listened and Dance to. This will be a limited pressing.