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Mixos Balearicos

Mixos Balearicos
Label: Toy Tonics
Nr kat.: TOYT099
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
44.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Misterio (Severino Horse Meat Disco remix).mp3
  • a2 Happiness Juice (extended version).mp3
  • b1 The Oboe Onyx (Lauer remix).mp3
  • b2 Hot Medusa (Kai Alce remix).mp3


You know Munk probably from the songs he did with James Murphy, Peaches, Asia Argento or one of many other indie disco tracks he released on his former label Gomma. Gomma now is sleeping and since Mathias Munk Modica started the Toy Tonics label with his friends Manu Kim & Mo Butschek he hasn’t released many things under that name. Instead has been playing keyboards, bass and drums on many tracks of other artists on the TT label. And of course has been building up the TT imprint from his new home in Berlin.
Now it’s summer and it felt right to put out a few balearic remixes reworks of Munk tracks. Beach party and daytime disco vibe. So here u get reworks of Munk’s friends Severino from Horse Meat Disco, Lauer, and Kai Alce from Detroit. Right for this summer.



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