A crackling fire is burning under the bridge. BANG! the brow hits against the steel drum, Hey! I only bowed down! BOING! The elbow jabs into the door of an abandoned ragtop, To lash the laces! CRACK! the knee strikes the rusty trash can, Of my brand new black sneakers! RASP! YAWP! SCREEECH! The gang rabbles on the dancefloor. Metallic sounds blaze out of the speakers. A rustle, a chatter, a rattle, a flapper. Cops troop in gazing in wonder while converting into liquid coppers. A warm kicking bass sets in. A voice from down below. Though, right next to your ear. The floor is demanding a sacrifice. Jog your head, swing your hip. Wave your hands, and shake a leg: Tighten up, and then let go, for this Dance aboulic! Producer and DJ Dave DK with his new »Chicama« EP on Pampa. Three kicking, bumping tracks for all day and all of the night. Euphoric percussive floorkillers with a hint towards an alluring gloominess.