Multiple Man is comprised of twin duo Chris & Sean Campion. Originally operating from Brisbane, Australia their four track EP for Fleisch represents their first record written since Chris's relocation to New York City. 'High On The Hog' finds Multiple Man at a disconnect. Spread between different continents and time zones, the record's direction is a marked progression from previous sounds.
Paranoid atmospherics, sheet metal percussion and unhinged mutant sampling, the record finds the twins wallowing in the muck and the mire. The junk funk is still there but it's bathed in machine age voodoo. This is not a record for the post-apocalypse but an end of history banger for the psycho rollerball time we live in.
Counting down every weird minute until the bombs drop, it represents a grotesque vision of end-times razorback EBM. Continuing the evolution in Multiple Man's discography and contributing to the Berlin label's vision, 'High On The Hog' throws another piece of meat into the Fleisch grinder.