Long-serving Slovenian techno overlord Unos Umek may have started the electro-focused Zeta Reticula side project almost 20 years ago, but it's only in recent times that he's devoted serious time and energy to it. We think it has been a wise move, because the material he's been delivering is undoubtedly of a very high quality. Further proof arrives in the shape of "EP 7", where a foreboding and intergalactic, Drexciya style workout ("1300 AU From Our Sun") and deeper, more star-gazing concoction (the bubbly dancefloor bliss of "A Common Motion Through Space") come backed by a dose of Italo-influenced electro-funk ("Chromospheric Activity") and a chunk of B-boy-baiting beat-box work (the stabbing melodies and rubbery bass of "Rev 5").