To this day, Sven Väth represents the electronic music scene like no other DJ. In the nineties he was mentor and shaman, operating from Frankfurt/ Germany introducing us to the world of electronic music. After this crazy, extroverted years Väth created the Cocoon family as a global platform for his and his colleagues´ activities. Väth has always been for the scene “Baba", which means dad in Hessian dialect. Today he is the “Baba” for a new generation of DJs: Music is not about strategizing New Release Information your niche potential. It does not matter if a tune is approved by the opinion makers. It’s about what you feel personally and what you can create with the music in your work as a DJ. To this day, Väth manages to play tracks that you wouldn’t expect and puts them in a context you would not expect either. Like no one else he succeeds in arranging the entire electronic music cosmos, from restrained deephouse to euphoric.