Since making their debut as 90 Process last year, Julian Muller and Hadone have delivered a series of EPs that look to the rave era for inspiration. They're at it again here, serving up a slamming EP for Lobster Theremin that reeks of Vicks, Essex and sweaty parties on farmer's fields off the M25. "Hate In The Pants", for example, sounds like the offspawn of Joey Beltram and Mark 'Ruff' Ryder, "No Warehouse Needed" wraps '92 style rave stabs and sped-up vocal samples around a blistering hardcore breakbeat, and "Strictly Cut" could have been tailor-made for loved-up sunrises and illicit mountainside parties. In order words, it's a slamming collection of retro-futurust hardcore and techno bangers.