Andy Stennett and Peter Maas' Freeez project was a pillar of both the pre-punk and punk scenes across the UK, with their infamous tracks surely having influenced a myriad of post-punkers thereafter. Aside from that, they also operated under the Pink Rhythm moniker, through which they released a limited selection of disco-not-disco and jazz-dance. Perfect for some reissue action right now. India was the second of the three EPs they released in 1985, now out through Be With, and the title track sounds like it hasn't aged a day since thanks to a subtly boogie approach filtered through a cold-wave stance. "Trust Me" a more sensual track, slower and more soulful, while the flipside's "More & More" storms through with a summery, blazed-out drum-machine anthem, followed by a sweet instrumental cut to "India". Ya need...