The new EP by German duo Grandbrothers is a collection of remixes and re-interpretations of their standout track ‘Bloodflow’. The remix by UK producer Lone was introduced last autumn but there’s brand new tracks to be found here by German techno electronic vanguard Christian Löffler, everyones favourite new IDM producer Brainwaltzera and new Permanent Vacation signing Aera Grandbrothers are the sum of unique parts: progressive Swiss engineer/mechanic/sofware designer Lukas Vogel and German-Turkish pianist Erol Sarp. Their second album ‘Open’ twins Sarp’s piano skills with Vogel’s talent for both building the homemade intricate mechanics with which he exploits his partner’s instrument and also designing it’s software. Sarp works at his ivory keyboard while, from behind his own computer keys, Vogel live-samples his partner’s notes, triggering further effects with the aid of DIY electronic apparatus that physically manipulate the piano’s strings and body.