Informacje o produkcie

Down In The Basement

Down In The Basement
Label: Soundway
Nr kat.: SNDW12029
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
69.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Down In The Basement.mp3
  • a2 The Opposite.mp3
  • b1 Continue The Fun (Space version).mp3
  • b2 Tuto Bay.mp3


Soundway Records presents the debut EP from Amsterdam based The Mauskovic Dance Band – a potent, modern blend of Afro-Caribbean rhythms and space disco, destined for bustling dancefloors.

The Mauskovic Dance Band is the brainchild of the Amsterdam-based producer and musician, Nicola Mauskovic. A seasoned drummer, he finds himself constantly in demand – as part of Turkish psychedelic outfit Altin Gün, a recent tour with the revival of Zambian legends W.I.T.C.H., and a worldwide tour with psych-pop artist Jacco Gardner, with whom he then went on to form the dance-oriented duo Bruxas (released on Dekmantel). Throughout this hectic schedule Nic still found time to begin studio experiments that would eventually lead to several 7” singles, released on Swiss label Bongo Joe Records in 2017 under the name “The Mauskovic Dance Band”.



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