Calling in the favors: Marcel Dettmann, Roman Flügel and Scuba under his SCB Inversion disguise, take apart songs and tracks from Tuff City Kids' debut album - Adoldesscent'. Dettmann, submisses to his new wave and em callings, keeps the song that is - Scared' intact, but mangles it into a fast-paced pogo piece, while Flügel uses his second take of - RMancer' (see the Happy Gerdy remix for reference) to push it into the K-Lauer abyss, before SCB Inversion tones down the rockism of - Nordo' and makes it inherently his own. To complete the picture, you get - Thorarium' by TCK themselves. A previously unreleased track that is basically a remix of a previously unreleased track. Haha!