During the mid-80s and early 90s Movin' Records defined the New Jersey sound. A skate-shop-turned-record-store run by the so-called 'fairy godmother of house' Abigail Adams, Movin's first output was 'I've Got The Music' by Boyd Jarvis in 1987, followed by music from game changers Blaze, Kerri Chandler, Tony Humphries and Smack; straight up 'Jersey jams' that producers are still attempting to replicate to this day. Still the Movin' Records catalogue throws up gems that sound super fresh along with plenty of lightbulb moments of musical discovery. For the most part Movin' Records focused on soulful vocal tracks but they peppered a few deeper tracks into the catalogue too. This is one of those releases and one of the rarer titles to find from the label. Produced by Steve Kelly and Steve 'lucky' Benson as 3 A.M., this was the only single under that group name, although they were involved in other productions from New Jersey. Deep chords, a heavy kick and a low-end bass form the backing for the repeated vocal line 'I Love This Place'. The 'Place Of Worship' mix brings an uplifting piano line to the forefront, whilst an organ line jams out through the track with a jazzy walking bassline holding the groove together.