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Zest (180g)

Zest (180g)
Label: Malka Tuti
Nr kat.: MTLP001
Format: 2LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
114.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Museum Of Old New Art.mp3
  • 02 To The Top Of Glouscester.mp3
  • 03 Mersey River.mp3
  • 04 Mount Macedon.mp3
  • 05 Metal Man.mp3
  • 06 Yaranabe.mp3
  • 07 One Day In Brunswick.mp3
  • 08 Lost In The Centre (feat Hayley Morgan).mp3
  • 09 Toolangi.mp3
  • 10 Parkes Observatory.mp3


Malka Tuti continues to be a hotbed of oddball, outernational wares for adventurous dancefloors, and the Israeli label reaches a new milestone as it presents its first full-length album release. Die Orangen is a project headed up by prolific Australian artist Kris Baha alongside Angelo Cruzman and Dreems, and following a single on Malka Tuti last year they come good with an album of psych-out brilliance that should have a broad reach from Balearic heads to wave-minded disco dancers. "To The Top Of Gloucester" shows they're happy to embrace experimental moods as much as direct hitters, and the loose, live band approach to the music binds all the different styles together perfectly.

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