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Label: Monkeytown
Nr kat.: MTR071CD
Format: CD
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
55.00 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Spnd Ballett.mp3
  • 02 Sixteen Levels.mp3
  • 03 Wolves.mp3
  • 04 Snow.mp3
  • 05 Offline (feat Rodhad).mp3
  • 06 Fast Food.mp3
  • 07 Das Programm.mp3
  • 08 Gewerbe 15.mp3
  • 09 Tomorrow.mp3
  • 10 Against The Clock.mp3
  • 11 Fjkslktr (feat Modeselektor).mp3


Fjaak's path led them from the periphery to the centre and from there further through the world. Their self titled debut album for Monkeytown is as much of a summary of what had happened in the previous three years as it is an artistic statement. "FJAAK" combines the energetic peak-time sound of the Berlin-based trio's acclaimed Techno singles like 'Unten / Oben' with sophisticated breakbeat arrangements and atmospherically dense Ambient textures. These eleven tracks are the provisional highlight in a unique success story which started aside club culture's conventions and to this day refuses to compromise. Felix Wagner, Aaron Röbig and Kevin Kozicki were still teenagers when they developed a distinct sound which positioned itself outside beaten paths, both geographically and musically speaking. The trio cut their teeth in Berlin-Spandau's open-air scene and celebrated their frst success in the city's center shortly thereafter before taking the Techno world by storm with their elaborate analogue sound. Having released a few records, they found a permanent home on Modeselektor's Monkeytown in 2014 while incessantly traveling the world.



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