Informacje o produkcie

Nemesi (white vinyl)

Nemesi (white vinyl)
Nr kat.: KOOAAD2
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
75.00 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Anatema.mp3
  • 02 Neuroscienza.mp3
  • 03 Nemesi Theme (extended).mp3
  • 04 Macchinazione.mp3
  • 05 Sequenza Inseguimento.mp3
  • 06 L`Esperimento.mp3
  • 07 La Fine.mp3


It's taken KOOAAD Music 18 months to deliver a follow-up to their inaugural release, a fine EP from Joe Drive. We'll forgive them, though, because Nemesi - a collection of tracks by composer Filippo Diana that were originally intended to be part of the score to an unreleased movie of the same name - is pretty darn good. Seemingly created entirely using vintage synthesizers and drum machines, the seven tracks are undeniably atmospheric and cinematic. Diana seems to be a master of mood and melody, effortlessly blending rhythms and melodies inspired by the throbbing quirkiness of classic Giallo soundtracks, the soundtrack work of John Carpenter, vintage Detroit electro, and the darker end of Italo-disco (see the fantastic "Sequenza Inseguimento".



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