“In the follow up to Huxley’s ‘Widow’ EP - AUS present their second offering of 2016 and in doing so welcome back two label favourites: Timothy Blake and Marquis Hawkes as ‘Hawkes & Blake’ Both artists made outstanding debuts for Aus last year, with Hawkes having more than a hand in Blake’s ‘Stormy Search’ EP before delivering his own disco inflected hit ‘Chances’. Now we see a continuation of the studio chemistry as both parties join forces and present ‘Love Precipitation’: a pair of no frills bombs built strictly for the dancefloor. Playful piano lines and jubilant synths are propelled by expertly crafted 909 drums throughout, recalling in equal measure the classic garage sound of Detroit and the soulful grooves that emanated from New jersey in the 90’s. With Hawkes & Blake Aus continue to maintain the high quality in 2016 and offer us an insight into an exciting new production pairing".