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Think Again

  • Kolejna zaskakująca wycieczka Jeffa Millsa w stronę uduchowionego house'u. Pianinko, bębny, kosmiczne atmosfery i dużo dymu. Zdecydowanie dla fanów Joe Claussella

Think Again
Label: Axis
Nr kat.: AX101
Format: 12"
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 16 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
59.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • a1 Life On The Flipside.mp3
  • a2 The Infinite Voyage.mp3
  • b1 Breaker Breaker One Nine.mp3
  • b2 The Upside Down.mp3
  • b3 With.mp3


Jeff Mills for Axis Records. Are there any more exciting words for fans of Detroit techno? Here The Wizard assumes his MIllsart alias and once again sets off to explore extra terrestrial soundscapes. The tempo here is slower than under his own name, leaving more space for the sci-fi details and cosmic motifs to really sink in. The beats roll deep, too, with gentle percussive clatter dropped in from above. In the case of 'Breaker Breaker One Nine' the sound is almost Glenn Underground-esque. It is the EP highlight, though the glistening 'The Upside Down' is not far behind.



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