Informacje o produkcie


  • Niezły split. 2 francuskie formacje Blind Delon (Tuluza) i Contre Soirée (Paryż). Wieje zimnym basem, czuć synthwave lat 80-tych, post-punk, black romanticism. Mroczno i chłodno, ale fajowo!

Label: VEYL
Nr kat.: VEYL021
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
56.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Blind Delon - Creve.mp3
  • a2 Blind Delon - Mensonges.mp3
  • a3 Blind Delon - Souvenir.mp3
  • b1 Contre Soiree - I'm A Monster.mp3
  • b2 Contre Soiree - Quand Ta Jupe Tourne.mp3
  • b3 Contre Soiree - Terreur Nocturne.mp3


Veyl presents 'Nuit' - a split-EP between two excellent projects we're enraptured to share with you. Both hailing from France, Blind Delon (Toulouse) and Contre Soirée (Paris) share a similar vision, bringing music from before any of their birth dates into the world of today.
Dedicating their sound to cold bass lines and synthesizers, the 80s, french post-punk and black romanticism, both acts spent their nights observing, describing, thinking, crying, each in their own way. Building a bridge between the melancholy and urgency defining that era, ’Nuit' is the fruit of this labour.



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