Informacje o produkcie

Still Moving EP

  • Taneczny, breakbeatowy jazz – kolejny album na nieocenionym polskim labelu. Londyńskie trio gra tu dla fanów zdarzeń modalno-elektronicznych, folkowych motywów, Mazolewskiego i Noona

Still Moving EP
Label: Lanquidity
Nr kat.: LQ010
Format: 12"
Kraj: PL
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
69.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Sharp Arts.mp3
  • a2 Collide-Construct.mp3
  • b1 Gift For Mathilda.mp3
  • b2 Unstable Memory.mp3


Still Moving is comprised of 3 musicians: Nat Phillips on saxophone, Pike Ogilvy on drums, and Sam Bates on synthesisers and drum machines. Drawing from a wide pool of influence – touching on Jazz, folk rhythm traditions, club-oriented electronics, and progressive experimentalism – they generate an organic performance rooted in an intimate musical understanding between performers.

SM is an invitation to a fluid journey through musical space, just as capable of provoking emotion and introspection as inspiring dance and movement. Working from the principle that no two shows be the same, they access a sound that is at once poetic yet constantly developing: a sound that is Still Moving.

The group’s recorded material reflects the live, improvisatory nature of the project, mixing raw and dynamic performance with an experimental approach to studio production. Whether in the flesh or on record, they capture a unique synthesis of musical styles that is sure to move you in body and in spirit.



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